Thursday, May 24, 2007

Taiko Drummer

Taiko Drummer, by Bruce Hedges
Oil on panel 12 1/2 by 17 inches
This is part two of "Ondo Taiko Ondo", a three-panel set. I don't call it a triptych -- a triptych is three panels that are attached and usually hinged. These are separate, but definitely related in theme and color family. The drummer's clothing is the style common to the 1850's. The setting is abbreviated -- only a rough stone pavement and a bamboo wall. I wanted to keep the focus on the performers (and in this painting, the drum), by keeping the environment simple and the background abstract. The drum really is the the star of the show in this piece.

Ondo Dancer (blue)

Ondo Dancer (blue), by Bruce Hedges

Oil on panel 12 1/2 by 6 1/2 inches

This is not a daily painting. It's part of a three-painting set that was painted before the blog was started. The painting was inspired by watching modern performers. The costume shown is patterned after kimono styles of the 1850's. The three-painting set is titled "Ondo Taiko Ondo", and shows two Ondo dancers and a Taiko drummer. I will show the other two in the next couple of days.